
Goodbye Singapore

Well this is my last day in Singapore. A week is about the right amount to spend here. Mind you, there are many museum I did not make it to. So here are a few other reflexions and pictures I thought I'd share.

As yesterday was a rainy day, I went to catch Inception. Here forget about just showing up to catch a flick, you need to book ahead. For an extra $1 you can get your $8 matinee ticket online and select your seat, either a couple's seat or a single seat.
I arrived perhaps about 15 minutes before the film started and even then I showed up a bit after the start as I had to cue for my ticket. Don't think there were any previews either, but I did not enquire. There were also chinese subtitles on the screen, but the rest of the experience was like home, including the sounds of popcorn crunching and too much AC. As for the movie, well..go and see it :)

Cars here are really expensive, so cabs and public transit are very popular. To use the bus or subway, you tap in and out your card which gets debited according to distance. My 14 km commute ride to downtown was costing me about $1,50. Talk about cheap! As for the bus schedules, they are a bit more random. Mine was every 15-20 minutes off peak. But I didn't have a specific schedule. Apparently you can text to get a more specific ETA. And one stop downtown listed the ETAs on an electronic board.
Bicycles on the otherhand seem to only be used on the sidewalk. No clue if it's legit, and often they are motorised.

Gaylang Road
Yesterday for dinner, André, a new friend made on Saturday, and I headed to Gaylang road, a neighbourhood he had yet been to visit as it is known for its prostitution. We didn't see much action though some doors along the street seemed to lead to this kind of establishement. So we settled on eating at a recommended Dim Sum as he shared his love of his new home here in Singapore.


Looking up at the Singapore Flyer which was closed down due to too much rain. They've started installing more lights to make it super visible suring the upcoming Formula One night race.
Would see lots of creatures on the way home at night, snails included!

and flowers are everywhere!

So that it's for Singapore! Next stop : Darwin, Australia.

Ce soir, je m'envole pour Darwin en Australie. Une semaine pour visiter Singapour, je trouve que c'est une bonne durée. Remarque qu'il me reste encore bien des musées à visiter, mais j'estime m'être bien imprégnée de la culture locale. Quelques dernières réflexions avant de partir. Pour aller au cinéma, il faut réserver sa place à l'avance en ligne, et passer assez tôt pour récupérer ses billets. L'autobus coûte des pinottes, suffit de passer sa carte à l'entrée et à la sortie pour déduire le montant de sa passe qu'on peut recharger à notre guise. Par contre, pas d'horaire précis pour l'autobus, seulement des estimations. Et les vélos roulent sur le trottoir! On est allés manger dans le quartier des prostituées mais il n'y avait pas beaucoup d'action. Il était peut-être trop tôt, mais certaines portes semblaient mener à des bordels. Mais bon, on a quand même bien mangé!

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